Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Eating a Snow Cone...

Today Trevor and I went and picked up Nick from the bus stop! I love that Nick's bus stop is right by a snow shack. It was our first snow cones of the year. Trevor loved it. I will let the pictures speak for themselves--

Can you guess what I am doing in the last picture to make Trevor so mad??

( I took the snow cone away to throw it in the trash!)

Happy Earth Day...

Today, April 22 is Earth Day! So while Trevor was taking a nap I made...can you guess??
Plastic containers...
Case full of strawberries...
Yep, strawberry freezer jam. I have never made this before, so I don't really know if it turned out right or wrong but I made it and it is now in my freezer!!
Also today, Trevor and I planted some flowers. We will see if and how they grow over the next couple of weeks. It was a beautiful day and Trevor had a great time playing in the dirt and water. By the time we came in he needed a bath because he kept throwing dirt in the air and it landed all over him, in his hair, shoes, shirts and then he added water to make mud. It was a great afternoon: mud and all!

KSL is a small world after all!

As many of you know I love looking on KSL at the classifieds . The other day I found this children's couch and chair... (this is the couch, the chair is the same just half the size!). Jeana got the couch and I took the chair. I have two examples of how when using KSL classifieds the world can become a much smaller place.
Example #1: When I first met the lady I was buying this couch and chair from we both looked at each other like we knew each other. It only took me a couple of seconds to figure it out; this was a sister-in-law of two of my roommates in college. Who I haven't been roommates with for over 5 years and I probably only met this lady at the most twice. Small world!
Example #2: Nick and I went to go buy a computer armoire and we needed Rob to go with us because he has the truck. He was kind enough to help us out--thanks Rob! Well Nick and I decided we wanted it so I left to take Trevor home and Rob and Nick stayed to load it up. When Rob went inside to help load it he saw the man we were buying it from. Nick said that they looked at each other for about 10 seconds and then the guy asked, "Do you speak Spanish?" Rob does, so he said "yes." Come to find it they served in the same mission! Small World!

Easter Weekend...

We had a great Easter weekend.
On Friday, Jeana came over with Brooke and we made Easter cards and bird's nest. I saw the idea of how to make the cards on a blog and growing up my mom use to make the birds nests.
On Saturday we went to Jeana's house, and had a great dinner. Then we decorated eggs... Trevor loved it. And then Brooke and Trevor went on a Easter egg hunt. They had a blast! It was so fun to watch them look for all the eggs.

It was also a great day because Grandpa Kim came to town. Sunday moring the Easter Bunny came.

Sunday night we went to Grandma Cyndi's for Easter Dinner. It was great to spend time with Nick's family. Trevor loves seeing Grandma's dogs!

Happy Easter!!!

Playing Catch Up...

I am a little behind in my blogging, so I decided I would sit down tonight and try to catch up a little bit..(I took the pictures and some of the text from my sister, thanks Jeana). So here goes--
At the end of January my Mom and Dad came into town. My dad had some things to do at the Family History Library during the day but in the evening we hung out and played games and ate Cafe Rio...delicious! During the day, we hung out with my mom. We went DIing (which I love and I bought books!) and shopping and out to eat at the best cafe in is called Cafe de Normandie in Holladay. They have great food. Funny story about eating there this time: While we were getting ready to pay at the checkout counter, my mom said should would stand in line while Jeana and I put the kids in the car. One of the waitresses thought we were skipping out on the bill and ran after us!!! We laughed so hard!
We also had the chance to go to the Draper Temple open house with my Mom and Dad. It was such a neat experience. It was a little stressful because it took about 2 1/2 hrs. and Trevor was getting tired and they wanted you to be quiet, but it was so amazing! He and Brooke loved the cookies and water that they had at the church at the end--as did I.
It was great having Grandma and Grandpa come!
Brooke split water all over this chair. It was pretty funny!
Also this same weekend my friend from high school was in Salt Lake for a business trip and Jeana and I had the chance to meet up with her for a few minutes and chat. It was so great seeing her again, we hadn't seen her since my wedding.
The first weekend in March Jeana and I took a quick trip to Rexberg, Idaho. We stopped at Maddox Drive-In in Brigham City (they have the best raspberry shakes and Lime Sodas) and got some yummy food and headed on to Rexburg. We hung out with Nessa and her roomies for awhile (while Josh watched Donkey is fairly sad that donkeys were cooler than us-j/k) and then went to Fongs with both of them (the basketball had ended) and then to Frontier Pies for dessert. At Frontier Pies we laughed so hard they thought we were drunk and Nessa had the hiccups (enough said if you know her) and it was HILARIOUS!!! It was a great night. The next day we went to Idaho Falls and saw some of our roommates from college. It was so nice to see them and just talk and laugh. We went to the Olive Garden and had the soup/salad combo and just caught up on each other's lives. It was so great to see everyone.
On March 18, it was a nice day outside so Jeana and I decided to take Brooke and Trevor to Murray park to feed the ducks. We only had a few slices of bread and some English Muffins. The ducks were not a huge fan of the English Muffins. It was a lot of fun and Trevor and Brooke had a great time!

At the end of March Jeana and Rob at the chance to go to Hawaii! They had a great time. I also had a great time because my Mom came into town to watch Brooke while they were gone. It was so much fun hanging out with her. Trevor loves her so much...he let her do a lot of things for him because I had to help Brooke. Anytime my mom went to help her, she always said Julie do it! (Unless I wasn't around then my mom could help her)! It was nice to see Trevor warm up to my mom. I love you mom.
So while Jeana and Rob were getting "Lost" in Hawaii (they film some of Lost at a place that they went...)

We did some fun and exciting things...were rode the carousel at the mall, went to the aquarium and saw the fish, and went to Ikea (my Mom had never been there)!! Thanks for coming Mom it was so fun to have you here! (Here is Trevor at the aquarium from a different time, just thought I would post it.)