On September 12, 2009 my sister Jennifer got married to Rockne.
(All these pictures are from jeanabirdphotography)
Here is a picture of Jenn and Rockne on their wedding day!

Here are Jenn and Rockne and all the Wadsworth's nieces and newphes.
Here is the Wadsworth Family

Here is a sister's picture.

Trevor and I went down with Jeana and Brooke at the beginning of the week to help with the wedding plans. The Monday we got there it was Labor Day so we went to George and Sharon's house for a BBQ. It was great to see everyone. All of the counsin's kids played so well together it was fun seeing them running and playing outside. The rest of the week we did wedding plans.
Rob and Nick come down on Friday because they had to work all week. On Friday we were able to meet Rockne's family at a picnic at the park. Then Jenn and Rockne got married on Saturday. It was a busy filled week. Everyone did so much to make this wedding turn out beautiful. This is a wedding day we will never forget. Jenn got married in Milich's back yard and it was amazing. Nick and Trevor just stayed for a few pictures and the wedding and then went back to Grandma's house to rest.
Trevor got really sick on Tuesday while we were there visiting and was sick for the next 10+ days. He was a trooper. He had a fever, couldn't breathe very well, throw up, coughed...you name it he probably had it. He didn't do much expect lay around and watch movies with mom and dad. We were nervous we wouldn't be able to come back on Sunday but Sunday morning we woke up and we thought his fever was gone. It was gone just long enough for the car ride and then it came back for about another 6 days. He was on really sick little guy.
Here is a picture of Mom, Dad and Trevor. Just look at the picture, Trevor was so sick.